How Colors Influences Audience

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From interior designers to digital marketers, all use the psychology of color. Color and graphics can significantly influence conversion rates of your eCommerce store. For example, on Quick Sprout, the Hellobar — 11% of all the potential leads come from a red bar at the top of the page.

Colors Influences Audience

Color can dramatically affect the way we perceive and act and many people are using this to create some desired effects for brands.

It is important to keep in mind that consumers place vision and color above other factors, such as sound, feel and texture, for the marketing of new products. Colors on company logos don't affect consumers, the color combination of product image also matters. Because of that eCommerce product photo editing is gaining popularity day by day.

According to the research on KissMetrics, 85% of shoppers consider color as the main reason for the purchase of a particular product. Although color psychology may not provide tough and fast rules for any situation, we can derive many general norms and best practices from existing research.

Color Influence on Gender

We all heard an old phrase, that pink is for girls and blue for boys. The idea is that your color choices later in life have the same color as the clothes that you were bought as an infant. Others suggest my experience and several studies. This idea becomes difficult to dissipate by selecting blue as one of the main colors for a project.

pink is for girls and blue for boys

Allowing users to state their sex, and this would change the color from blue to pink, was proposed while working on a project many years ago I suggested we encourage the users to choose their color. Many people chose blue, regardless of gender, predominantly during focus testing.

Several studios have demanded the favorite color of adults and women and children. Blue remains the favorite color for both genera, although it differs in percentage. In fact, it does not seem to take hold until after World War II that pink is for children, and blue is the term for boys.

How Color Influences Buying Behavior of Consumers

So, as we talked over how colors can influence your consumers and increase the conversion rate. Let's see which color means what...

Red: Warm & Energetic

The red color is the only color that is common for branding and for most online or offline publications. This is primarily because of his ability to draw the eye. If mostly used in black and white, the red color catches the eye of the audience the earliest.

PixTeller Editor Color Picker - Red Design amazing visuals with PixTeller photo editor

Because the red color has a spark, warmth and danger can be present. Nonetheless, it should be used sensitively since it is often related to blood color and aggression. So, it would be better if the color weren't red if it reveals something that looks like wet dripping paint.

You can use red just if you start up and announce the opening of your new store. You can use red if you are selling or if you are a restaurant that would cater to hungry people.

Orange: Youthful & Fun

PixTeller Editor Color Picker - Orange

People use orange for excitement, imagination, and motivation to associate their material. It is the color to use to seek or embrace something different.

Yellow: Bright & Cheerful

Yellow communicates warmth, joy, friendliness, and freshness, particularly when it is considered the color of the sun. Yellow is also a common warning color in comparison to the role of red as a dangerous sign.

PixTeller Editor Color Picker - Yellow

Pure / Bright yellow is without a sense of danger attracting attention. It creates a casual and friendly feeling, just like the ability of red to draw attention to areas that must be emphasized.

Yellow helps any time you want to identify valuable items on your slide, and this is only because it is a color that separates people from each other.

Green: Fresh & Natural

Green is the color of the natural environment, plants, growth, and life. Health, freshness, and quality are transmitted.

PixTeller Editor Color Picker - Green

Dunker green shades may express money or wealth as well. In projects that are related to environmental conservation or that focus on sustainability, nature-inspired colors like green and brown are often chosen.

Blue: Soothing & Trustworthy

Blue is the sea and heaven color which, as such, transmits calm and clean qualities. This is the right color for financial institutions to express their faith.

PixTeller Editor Color Picker - Blue

In tandem with the prosperity representation of green, all aspects financially are dominated by color. Dark or Marine Blue is particularly popular in business environments as it is understated and perceived as professional.

Blue also appears to be calm and peaceful. The color of the sky and the oceans of our world are blue and we always have the opportunity to take it all in as we look upon them.

Final Thoughts

Innumerable corporate and cultural icons are linked to a specific color. Instead of the red bullseye of Target, the golden arches of McDonald, the bright blue of IBM or the logo of Tiffany.

Although your slides or your t-shirt's color can seem to be minor concerns or needless distractions from the key issues, the data show that first-hand experiences, general viewing, likelihood and brand recognition are carried through by visual information.

Until next time, Be creative! - Pix'sTory made by Tradexcel Graphics

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