Incredible eCommerce Techniques to Engage New Customers

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Incredible eCommerce Techniques to Engage New Customers

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It has long been no secret that a customer-oriented approach is the most beneficial. Many companies have already learned that they need to follow their customers and master new technologies.

However, real success in eCommerce comes not only from "chasing" customers but engaging them into your business. To do this, you need to apply some simple but magically effective techniques.

Top-5 Effective Customer Engagement Methods

It is clear, that applying new techniques and methods will require investments from you: finance, human resources, and time. However, this will significantly increase the turnover of customers, attract new ones, and make them your regular buyers.

1. Be closer to your customer

Be closer to your customer

No, you don't have to come to their homes at any time, but they should have the opportunity to reach you at any moment. Provide not only the stable operation of your eCommerce platform but also 24/7 support. For example, you can connect with an AI assistant that can help customers with everyday issues.

Moreover, your brand should not only be liked but inspire trust. To do this, you need to stay on the same page with your audience: attract famous people (the face of the brand), react to changes in society, be someone who cares.

2. Provide self-help options

Provide self-help options

In-store consultants are always ready to help clients, and yet customers tend to make their own choice. This trend is also true for eCommerce companies. Allow customers to be independent.

Explore the user journey and think about how you can improve it. Also, ensure that your client can independently find the necessary information: advanced search (or search by image), sorting by tags, the necessary sections in the expected place.

There are several generally accepted rules of user experience that users have learned at the reflex level. You will confuse them if using your application or platform won't be easy and intuitive. But custom software development will help to build something unique and engaging.

3. Create engaging content

Create engaging content

Something that seems so simple and complex at the same time. It would help to find a balance between three main criteria: what your target audience likes, what relates to your brand, and what adds value to your customers.

Over-promoting your products or outright advertising will alienate consumers, so take care of them and share what is truly beneficial to them. Create blog columns and set release dates, encourage discussion, and gather opinions. Be sure to communicate in the comments: thank you for the reply, be polite and good-natured.

4. Customize your interaction with the customer

Customize your interaction with the customer

Customers love to be someone special and important. Please encourage them to fill out questionnaires (not too long) and talk about their preferences. Use special algorithms on the site to find out more about each of your buyers. This will allow you to make more customized recommendations and newsletters, offer purchases at the right time, for example, before a birthday, anniversary, or professional holiday.

Always pay attention to reviews, pay special attention to negative ones: work with an unsatisfied client until you solve the problem, and he leaves happy. Use mention services to see what's being said about you outside of your platform.

5. Use social media as a tool

Use social media as a tool

People spend a lot of time on social networks. This means that your brand should definitely be represented there. But don't make your Facebook page a small affiliate of the site: advertising links and sale announcements shouldn't be 100% of the content.

Communicate with customers, play with them, flirt, engage in interaction with media material, share tips. This will allow you to study opinions and gather the information that will improve your eCommerce business.

Final Words

The success of a business depends on how well it treats its customers. Before implementing any of the strategies described above, conduct a marketing audit of your activities, identify weak points. This will help you choose the best path for your particular company.

Observations show that using each of these techniques gives excellent results, but you do not have to apply all of them simultaneously - it is very troublesome and costly! However, you can start with one or two and see what happens, and eventually introduce new techniques into the strategy. Be sure that your client will show his loyalty if he is confident in the brand - so, try to work on it.

Please tell us which techniques for engaging customers do you consider the most effective? Do you use any in your business?

Until next time, Be creative! - Pix'sTory made by Kyle Mcdermott

Kyle McDermott is a web developer, blogger, blockchain enthusiast, and business analyst. He loves to write about new technologies, business news, and sports events. Kyle is also a proofreader at Computools. Follow him on Twitter.

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