10 Key Stats Why Design Plays an Important Role in Marketing Your Business

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Technology made it possible for businesses to have multiple platforms for brand exposure. Creating a positive impression is everything in any business, emphasizing the importance of having a good design in any marketing strategy. The logo, website, packaging, social media content, etc., all require a good design. Any digital marketing expert would easily agree that a well-executed design can spell the difference between closing a sale and letting go of a potential customer.

10 Key Stats Why Design Plays an Important Role in Marketing Your Business

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The Internet is flooded with competition, and it really pays to create a lasting impression on consumers. A website's design, for example, has become one of the determining factors of a brand's credibility. Consumers equate a website's usability to the brand's reliability. They have become stringent when it comes to the website's design and user interface simply because there are many other websites to explore.

Companies should do well to present a good website design at the very first website visit of a potential customer. The initial visit must convey a lasting impression, enough to convince the user to make a purchase or at least get interested enough to explore all pages. The more unique and memorable a website is, the more likely it is that a customer gets persuaded to put items into the cart and actually check out.

Every business person believes in being unique upon launching a business. Although it can be true, it is nearly impossible in real life because of over 28.8 million small businesses in the United States alone. The competitive ecosystem within the Internet is made even fiercer since anyone can put up a business website and make the products and services available for the whole world to see and purchase.

So how do you survive in such an overly competitive environment? The solution is straightforward, and it has something to do with having a good graphic design.

Good graphic design command attention, make the audience curious and encourage engagement

The winning formula typically involves three steps: command attention, make the audience curious and encourage engagement.

This is where a good graphic design is put into good use. It should be good enough to captivate the user's attention, hold it, get them intrigued, and hopefully get persuasive towards buying something.

We have compiled these useful statistical data to give you a visual idea about how graphic design influences the success of any marketing strategy. Hopefully, these will encourage you to focus on a design-based strategy that will catapult your digital marketing efforts to success.

Facts and Tips on How Design Influences Marketing Success

1. Facts and Tips on How Design Influences Marketing Success

The human brain processes visual information at lightning speed. Cognition is faster when images are used compared to using text alone. The brain works so advanced that it can instantly understand images, 60,000 times faster than processing text information.

Facts and Tips on How Design Influences Marketing Success

This is why over the years, there has been a complete shift towards using more visual content for digital marketing over the years over the years. Human loves images The modern marketer has ultimately decoded this secret and applied it to modern marketing campaigns.

Along with technology's ability to process images faster, humans are able to love absorbing more information at a blink. The speed by which a consumer skims through visual information has become the very essence of how businesses thrive in creating connections with their customers.

2. Color increases brand recognition by 80%

Using images alone does not warrant success in digital marketing. One of the most effective ways to create impact through pictures is the use of colors. Colors have a unique ability to influence emotions. This is precisely the reason why brands must take into consideration how colors are used when creating visual content, especially on branding.

Color increases brand recognition by 80%

If you haven't observed yet, most luxury brands use black in their branding. It is a timeless choice for companies who want to evoke elegance and affluence into their image. To name just a few, Chanel, Coach, Prada, and Cartier have all developed black logos. Give practical tips on how to use colors effectively on your brand.

As for other colors, successful branding is achieved when customers are more likely to recognize a brand by just its color palette. Ikea, for example, has that blue and yellow combination that is extremely memorable. Another good example is the cherry red hue from most Coca-Cola ads.

Study about color Study about color shows that 78% were able to recall the primary color of the logo, compared to only 43% who were able to remember the name.

Colors can make any brand memorable and to help you recreate the same success, here are the top five most popular branding colors from the top global brands that you may incorporate in a winning design:

  • 1. Black (34%)
  • 2. Blue (30%)
  • 3. Red (30%)
  • 4. Yellow (9%)
  • 5. Green (7%)

Additionally, it may help to study how each specific color affects human emotion in a particular way. Black, for example, exudes exclusivity and sophistication. Blue is typically associated with dependability and serenity. Red denotes exciting things, which is why it is popular to use by retailers during sales promotions. Yellow resonates with happiness and exudes positivity. Lastly, green is characteristically related to nature and health, perfect for companies who want to create an impression of being a healthier consumer choice.

Color emotion quide

If you want to be easily remembered, be sure to choose the right color that will represent the ideals of your brand.

Additional Tips:
How Colors Influences Audience
The Psychology of Color: A Designer's Guide to Color Association & Meaning
How to Set Your Design's Background Color to Transparent
Solid, Linear and Radial Gradient Colors Explained

3. 7 in 10 consumers agree packaging design can influence purchasing decisions

Another way to make a positive impression among consumers is by deciding on a good packaging for your products. 72% of consumers think that packaging is important when making purchases. Why is this so?

The primary reason is that the packaging serves as the brand's first point of contact with the customer. It provides tangible information about the brand's identity that can set the tone of the customer experience.

In most surveys, paper-based packaging creates an image of being innovative, premium, and high-quality. This may be attributed to the idea that paper or cardboard type packaging makes it seem like it is handcrafted and artisanal, thereby more special. There is also the notion that paper products are easy to recycle, making this type of packaging seem more environmentally friendly than single-use plastic packaging.

Confidence in the packaging greatly influences the purchasing decisions so it is significant to be very careful in choosing what to use for your products. More than the aesthetics, you should be able to identify how it would affect your image, particularly on the target consumers.

4. 94% of consumers will leave a website with poor graphic design

With a very crowded global market, having a website with good graphics can definitely help. But why do consumers care about a brand's website design? Being aware that design matters literally facilitates brand success. According to studies, companies that invest in design perform a lot higher than those that do not. But why do consumers care about a brand's website design?

94% of consumers will leave a website with poor graphic design

First of all, the website serves as the consumer's vehicle towards a positive customer experience journey. By having a user-friendly design, less stress is felt when navigating through the pages. It makes the user feel relaxed, thereby making it easier for you to convince them to buy.

With an effective design, consumers are treated with a good and memorable experience that can lead to brand loyalty. The engaging design is a valuable communication tool that lets the consumer retain more information about the brand.

The website, logo, and other content are all opportunities to make a lasting first impression. This is precisely why as a business owner; you must take the opportunity to create designs that will make customers see your brand as reliable, sophisticated, and professional.

5. 60.8% of marketers claim that visuals are vital to their marketing strategy

According to a recent survey, only 25% of an article is read by an average reader. This means that with the thousands of articles online, it will just be out of pure luck that a particular article is chosen, and read in full.

It is such a huge relief to know that in a survey, 41% of those who use social media believe that visual content is significant in a survey. This is why it is a trend among creative professionals and marketers to use visuals when posting content. Almost 65% of successful companies share visual content daily because it is what their audience wants.

Among the visuals that can be used in any marketing strategy, the use of the featured image proves to be very powerful. It will entice the reader to open the content and actually read it. Therefore, it is recommended to be extra careful in choosing a featured image, and even learn about where to place it on the website effectively.

Aside from the featured image, data-driven visuals, videos, screenshots, infographics, GIFs/memes, illustrations, and quotes should also be prioritized. The use of these visuals is what will set you apart from the common digital marketer. Just be aware that it is essential to use visuals that truly reflect your content.

6. Social media posts containing images deliver a 650% higher visibility and engagement rate than plain text posts

Incorporating images on your content will enable the reader to absorb more about the message that you want to convey. It will facilitate information retention more crisply and quickly. This will allow you to improve engagement and deliver more information with fewer words.

Social media posts containing images deliver a 650% higher visibility and engagement rate than plain text posts

Another reason why adding visuals is more engaging is that it can help you connect with the reader emotionally. Once you can spark interest, users are more likely to react, be it a like or a comment, to the post.

The trick in using visuals in creating connections is to mind the visual elements that affect emotions. Think about the colors, pictures, photo style and shape, big words, etc., that can be associated with the emotions that you want to convey. C lose-up photos, for example, look more intimate compared to pictures that are shot from a distance.

Another important thing about adding visuals to posts is remembering that the quality of images used also defines your brand's personality. Use optimized images for faster loading and clarity so that customers will find the experience more appealing.

7. Consistent presentation of a brand has seen to increase revenue by 33%

Customers appreciate brand consistency. A consistent business presenting its values across all channels will help the customers create a positive image that is associated with your brand.

Consistent presentation of a brand has seen to increase revenue by 33%

Creating a consistent branding presentation builds familiarity that reminds the customers of the positive experiences they have with the brand. By nature, humans gravitate towards what is already familiar. Most consumers do not favor surprises and choose a brand they are familiar with because they know what to expect. Creating a relatable identity gives that recognizable feel that customers can relate to identifying with.

8. Design-driven companies have outperformed the S&P Index by 219% over the past ten years

Successful companies attract more customers by delivering eye-catching content. Social media and content marketing are so important that 71% of companies are increasing the number of content they post by up to 10x more than years before. Many were surprised that those that are using this strategy have surpassed the S&P index by 219% in just ten short years.

Design-driven companies have outperformed the S&P Index by 219% over the past ten years

However, it must be noted that you can only realize the same success using a perfect design. It is the key differentiator because consumers are also discerning when it comes to visual content.

A good design is a combination of images, words, layout, and typography. The audience must be engaged in compelling visuals before they are able to read the story that your brand has to tell.

9. 82% of businesses believe that there is a strong connection between creativity (creative design) and business success

All business aims for creativity with their designs. According to studies, having creativity on the agenda makes a company a breeding ground for successful marketing campaigns. Leaders who support programs that encourage creativity can outperform the competition in terms of revenue growth and market share.

How creativity drives business success should not be seen as trivial because, over the years, it has proven to be helpful in building brands. Being creative in terms of branding is effective in attracting buyers. It also enables the brand to be more innovative when they are being creative.

10. 86% of consumers say that they decide what brands to like and support based on the brand's authenticity

Humans are highly visual, which is why brands must invest in aesthetically pleasing marketing strategies. More than appealing visuals, however, humans are also into quality and authenticity. It is intentional to create a good design, but you are going to do well if you stay on the course and stick to the brand's ideals when creating a unique branding formula.

86% of consumers say that they decide what brands to like and support based on the brand's authenticity

It is integral that customers can see the brand's genuineness to influence them into choosing you. The branding and marketing of your products must be correlated to establish an authentic feel.

Since emotions drive humans, you can nudge them to choose your brand if you can translate into your design the brand's principles into your design. It is not only about the website design, by the way, but in the whole branding context. The logos, packaging, ads, etc., must be interrelated for it to look, sound, and feel authentic.


With these statistics, you can see that there is so much value in design than what the usual person can see. The quality design makes for an effective brand design because it is what will enable you to create stronger connections with the audience.

More than anything else, it should be a collaborative effort from your end as the business owner and the marketing team to create a consistent brand identity. You should foster creativity and nurture a safe environment to encourage the creative team.

Successful businesses stand out because they are able to foresee the importance of a good design. They recognized early on that design is meant to be experiential. It should be able to engage the consumers and ultimately lift the brand up. Being creative drives brand loyalty and eventually boosts revenues.

Jenn Pereira

Until next time, Be creative! - Pix'sTory made by Jenn Pereira

Jenn Pereira is the Product Designer of Removal.AI, an automatic background remover and online photo editor software designed & developed using AI technology to simplify clients' workflows to foster productivity, creativity, and design.

As an experienced web designer and online marketing strategist, her vision is to help, motivate and inspire creative people to learn, share and grow by offering them useful strategies, tips, tools (AI technology), and resources to succeed in their careers journey.

Photo & Animation Maker

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