4 Effective Social Media Marketing Tips to Attract More Eyeballs for Your Content

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For decades, many industries have relied on door-to-door sales and physical stores. But fast forward to the 21st century, it seems as if the craft is going the way of dinosaurs.

With social media plunging into our lives, society as a whole has become more reclusive. People love their private spaces and do not like any disturbance. No wonder Forbes listed door-to-door sales as one of the Top 10 Dead or Dying Career Paths.

4 Effective Social Media Marketing Tips to Attract More Eyeballs for Your Content

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In light of fluctuating business trends, every entity treading in the current corporate climate must adapt. As per Pew Research, 7 out of 10 Americans use social media, compared with only 5% in 2005. Businesses took notice. They have crept into the virtual climate, revolutionizing the ordinary marketing methods.

Hence, facing digital music is the need of the hour. A well-executed social media strategy helps you rock your existence, grab the necessary eyeballs, and escalate your profits. The content you put out there determines if you have the potential to roll amongst the big industrial guns.

Below, we have listed four social media marketing tips to help you get virtual cheers from your audience. Let's take a look:

1. Bring Value on the Table

Why people share information on Social Media

There is a science behind what motivates a user to share digital content. Researchers have explored several psychological triggers that inspire people to engage in online activities. A few of those are:

  • Communication - It is the content that allows them to nurture relationships with other people;
  • Social Approval - This content enables them to express their attitudes and receive affirmative feedback from their social circle;
  • Entertainment - At the end of each day, everyone is looking to tone down their stress through humor or satire making rounds on social media;
  • Support Ideas - The material that signals support for ideas, personal beliefs, and political views inspires users to connect with the greater good.

A primary goal of content should be to solve the problem of the users. Show them a way out of their miseries. Be it a keyboard feud or something related to their daily troubles. This will not only build brand loyalty, but it will keep them coming back for more. Having an SEO company like Growth Proton up your sleeve usually helps sort out the content management troubles.

For example, the El Bolillo Bakery (A Mexican bakery in Houston) shared a story on Facebook about its bakers stranded in Hurricane Harvey. The group made productive use of time by baking for people in shelters and first responders. It received massive applause from the online community.

2. Be Socially Active

Social media marketing is a fragile dance. Share excessively, and people will block you. Don't share, and they think you are out of the game. According to GlobalWebIndex 2019, an average of 3 hours is spent per day per person on social networks and messaging.

Digital around the world

A well-trained marketer knows how to strike the quality number of social media posts. So, learn how to set yourself apart from your contenders.

Try sustaining a healthy relationship with the audience as this assists in establishing trust. Your best bet is to have direct communication. Chatbots, for example, is an incredible way to address their concerns and queries. Or elucidate their doubts on the group and fan pages.

Your fundamental goal when activating a full-blown social media campaign is – move them to action. You cannot do that through monotonous and meaningless posts. Instead, you do it by tapping into exciting trends. Therefore, look around to hire a content creation expert for your venture. Ask them to design updated material for your portal.

Remember, not all of the content on your social feed has to be customized. Conventional wisdom provides you can opt for a bunch of other photos and articles from relevant brands. It shows you are a part of the industry, not merely a self-centered parrot.

3. Create Infographics

Infographics are beautiful, bite-sized chunks of information that every viewer has time to digest. They combine the strength of graphics and words to communicate powerfully with all kinds of audiences. If well-crafted, it highlights your grasp of crucial industry ideas, concepts, and trends.

As reported by Demand Gen, infographics can increase web traffic by 12%. This is because the human brain retains images. We only remember 10% of the information after three days of its received time. On the contrary, information with pictures stays in your brain 65% of the time.

Benefits of Infographics in Social Media

The more people view your content, the more they become aware of your existence. Consequently, your chances of gaining more lead also rise. It is pretty simple nowadays to design an infographic using online tools like PixTeller editor. It doesn't require heavy-lifting graphic-design knowledge. The most important thing is to use your corporate expertise to create something your audience finds valuable.

4. Team up with a Fellow Brand

Reach out to a relevant brand in your space to figure out how you might be able to help each other in the virtual landscape. Start by expressing your expectations about this collaboration. You can team up on a campaign or a piece of content. Anything ranging from a webinar to an ebook or a unique commercial ad can be the outcome of this collab.

Ideally, social media platforms are best to procure such partnerships. It is relatively easy to sync your efforts on social media as compared to other channels.

Not every idea is fruitful, and not every potential alliance is the right choice for your brand. It would be best to look for brands that are not your competitors, yet you share the same target audience. It illustrates well in the collaboration of Taco Bell and Frito-Lay. They served the same demographic within the broader food industry but weren't competing against each other for shelf space.

Verdict – first impression is the last impression!

Optimism at a certain level is good. However, expecting your brand to groove over virtual beats despite a distorted social media strategy is wrong. Brands should never adhere to the same content strategy. With a plethora of options available, your existence upon digital waters must be versatile.

Try incorporating the strategies provided above and look for some more. And feel free to tell us if you find your favorite brands using creative social media ideas!

Until next time, Be creative! - Pix'sTory made by Alma Causey

Photo & Animation Maker

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